Here you'll find important information about dogs, such as toxic foods and what to do if you find a missing dog. Please take a moment to read through it - it’s valuable to know!
Toxic Human Foods for Dogs

Take a look at our A-Z list of foods that are dangerous for dogs - you might discover some you didn’t know about! If you're ever unsure, it's a good idea to check online or consult your vet.
If your dog consumes any of these foods, please contact your vet right away.
Avocados - Contain persin, which is harmful to dogs in large amounts.
Cherries - The pits, leaves and stems contain cyanide, which is poisonous to dogs.
Chives - Can cause damage to red blood cells and lead to anaemia.
Chocolate - Human chocolate contains cocoa, caffeine and theobromine, which can be deadly to dogs. Opt for dog-safe ‘chocolate’ treats from Flynn’s Favourites instead.
Garlic - Can cause damage to red blood cells and lead to anaemia.
Grapes - Even small amounts can cause kidney failure in dogs.
Leeks - Can cause damage to red blood cells and lead to anaemia.
Macadamia Nuts - Can cause lethargy, tremors, vomiting, and hyperthermia.
Onions - Can cause damage to red blood cells and lead to anaemia.
Raisins - Even small amounts can cause kidney failure in dogs.
Xylitol (Artificial Sweetener) - Causes insulin release, leading to hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar), liver failure, and death.
What to do if you find a MISSING DOG
This info is essential for those who are unfamiliar with how a lost dog is likely to behave.
Please read and share these guidelines.